The Female-Synonym for Sacrifice?
(Passing Thought)
I have been thinking this for a long long time. To what extent can men make sacrifices when compared to women? And from my experiences I have always come to the conclusion that the extent is very less. I am sure if we the menfolk think about the sacrifices made by our mothers,sisters,girlfriends,wifes,friends(female) for us ,we are sure to ponder over the caption of this blog.
u said "To what extent can men make sacrifices when compared to women? And from my experiences I have always come to the conclusion that the extent is very less."
it shows how mature you are with ur experience.usualy,we the menfolk don't want anyone to have glimpse of our emontional quotient. for long,it's been like insult for us. contrary to that, if women sacrifice ..they need emotional support, for that they make it visible to all.
That's the reason ,sacrifices made by our fathers,brothers,boyfriends,husbands,friends(male) for us don't come under light.
no hard feelings bro!
@ priyank
khoob kahi bhai khoob kahi.
but i hate the idea of sacrifice.....
sacrifice is a delusive term almost always piggybacking on higher levels of selfishness though not apparent unless not investigated properly and rationally.with each sacrifice one shows at what level of selfishness he /she is.
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