Tuesday, July 08, 2008

To friends getting hitched......

Sometimes you are aware and yet choose to be blissfully ignorant. Circumstances force you to keep your trap shut. So was the case with me for a while now......till Harry met Sally.

I simultaneously went through three emotions when the news was broken at Firangi Paani (a pub in Bangalore).
  • "Wow! It was always meant to be"
  • "WTF! Why didn't she let me know earlier, despite those several indirect hints?"
  • "Boy, am I smart? I always knew!"

The third one, of-course, was a big ego booster :) Moreover, the news couldn't have come at a better time- a day before my birthday!

Don't know what future beholds for the new found lovers, but this is wishing them all the very best for the journey ahead.

Disclaimer: The title of this blog is inspired from minimousya's blog!

1 comment:

Smokin Joe said...

Hurray! ;-) ;-) ;-)