Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I had been wanting to right this post for a very long time. It is something which has been on my mind for a while now.

When I was in school, I distinctly remember using the term "Toilet" for the place we visited often to part ourselves from all the water we drank from our waterbottles (and sometimes the tiffin which we ate!). I am sure all of us remember using the term "Maam, may I go to the toilet please?"

At home, "Bathroom" it always was.

Time flied by or what..... when I joined my first company there were sign posts all over the place pointing to "Restrooms". Wow! I thought. I have chosen the perfect company to work- they have rooms for employees to actually rest. I hardly knew that I was in for the shock of my life.

Toilet-->Bathroom-->Restroom, they are all the same.

Like most human beings, driven by societal pressure, I make it a point to address Bathroom/Toilet as Restroom in public arena- "Which way is the Restroom please?"

Would appreciate if someone could point out if it was always Restroom for them or I am the only dumb ass around here?


Anonymous said...

hi priyank,
i agree with you....infact not just 'rest room' there are other fancy names as well like "wash room", "gents room", "ladies room" etc...i wonder all of a sudden from where have these names come...........

Matiaoo said...

@anonymous: Well pointed out..."Washroom" infact is another fancy name! I am also not sure who invented these names.....

Snigdha said...

hi priyank,
the previous comment was from your sister neha..

sou said...

the names have come from the brits ofcourse.. "powder room" "restroom" where they actually had couches so you could "rest"
dunno if they had any toilet facility there though.. or if they did how did they stand the stink while they rested? maybe that was the real reason for the powder.. like a deo :p