Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Love is the greatest feeling,
Love is like a play,
Love is what I feel for you,
Each and every day,
Love is like a smile,
Love is like a song,
Love is a great emotion,
That keeps us going strong,
I love you with my heart,
My body and my soul,
I love the way I keep loving,
Like a love I can't control,
So remember when your eyes meet mine,
I love you with all my heart,
And I have poured my entire soul into you,
Right from the very start.
I love you with a permanence
That will endure the passing years.
I love you with a joyfulness
That subdues all doubts and fears.
I love you with an honesty
That was born within my heart.
I love you with the calm belief
That we will never part.
I love you with a confidence
No earthly force can sever.
I love you with the certainty
That I’ll cherish you forever.
I love you with the humbleness
Of one who has been blessed.
I love you with the reverence
Of all that word suggests.
I love you with a passion
That time cannot reverse.
I love you with the truest love
That poets put to verse
When you'l not be here to share my days and nights
My life will be so incomplete
For you are my heart, my soul
The ‘oneness’ I had known to seek
Without you I will merely exist from day to day
With you I know that I will find
All that I have been searching for
My completeness, my eternal peace of mind
You are the keeper of my dreams
The girl who holds my heart in her hands
The one I want to spend my life with
The one with whom I will always stand
Stand beside through thick and thin
Through all that life will throw our way
Knowing that this special love we share
Will guide us, each and every day
This journey was started long ago
Before this time and place
The journey of completeness
As two hearts and souls embrace
Forever is what I want with you
For the search is at an end
Our hearts have found each other
As lovers, as soul-mates, as friends.
So often when I am embracing you,
It seems that you exist in this world
only because of me and I exist because of you.
It's not easy to wander in this world
and not lose one's way,
but the greatest happiness of all
is in giving joy to one's beloved.
And if the king can have his throne,
and if the bird can have his Spring nest,
and God can have his heaven,
then I, my sweetheart, I can have you!
All I ever wanted was to be part of your heart,
And for us to be together, to never be apart.
No one else in the world can even compare,
You're perfect and so is this love that we share.
We have so much more than I ever thought we would,
I love you more than I ever thought I could.
I promise to give you all I have to give,
I'll do anything for you as long as I live.
In your eyes I see our present, our future and past,
By the way you look at me I know we will last.
I hope that one day you'll come to realize,
How perfect you are when seen through my eyes.
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She wrote
One day in my dreams ....
I met God and asked him
"My dear
tell me something clear
about the little pranky guy ...
who is a shiny star in u sky "
The lord replied ...
He has
" The purity in the heart ,
The kindness in the soul ,
Beauty in the smile ,
and truth in the eyes"
He has
" The bundle of Joy ,
The ocean of love,
The freshness of dew ,
Like him the world does not have even few"
He has
"The sweetness of nectar ,
The fragnance of flower ,
The color of life,and
My blessings in disguise "!!!!
My dear child ,said the dear lord with a sweet smile
"Though Naughtness and laughter is his way of life ,
but its a reason for u 2 to smile,
Just be loving and nice to this sweet guy ...
I brought to u in u r life"

Miss Confusion
“Hello! Are you an Indian?” “Yes,” she said, “but my family is settled in
Luckily we were to be on the same flight to
The 3 hours that followed at the
I noticed that her watch was still set according to the American time. The reason she gave for this was , that by doing this she always knew what was the time back home and would know when her parents and friends were awake, this was something which I found really amusing. Although she didn’t make it obvious, her eyes showed that she was missing her family. She was also very cautious about the flight timing, there was still more than an hour to the flight and she wanted to move towards the departure lounge, this again made me smile. I am sure like all Indian parents she had got strict instructions from her family to be careful and alert all the time (well, the same was the case with me, but you know ‘Boys will be boys’).This was more evident to me when I saw that she was carrying a piece of paper on which her father had so carefully compared the time zones in the US, Austria and India.
She was very excited to be visiting
In one way it was good I thought, as I would get more time to interact with Miss Confusion. But the poor girl, she had not slept in 2 days courtesy the erratic flight schedules fuelled by the difference in the time zones. She was not looking very good, I could sense that there was something wrong. She couldn’t sleep and also didn’t feel like eating. “Are you alright??” “Yes,” her faint voice indicated that she was not well, but this is something I really find funny with people ,whenever they are not okay and someone asks their well being, they always give a nod as if they are on the seventh heaven. Within minutes she had to rush to the toilet to puke, now this really worried me. I just wanted the girl to reach
While she slept I listened to some music and did some thinking, that’s when the term Miss Confusion struck my mind like lightning. In her own words, “I am so Indian yet so American.” “I am really excited to be visiting
We could see on the screen in front of our respective seats that we would be landing in
As I walked out towards the exit, my eyes constantly searching my father, I thanked god for showing me my own country from a different perspective. I was suddenly feeling more mature in terms of my thoughts and I had a logical justification as to why our young desi’s in America were so confused, they really have a reason for it. As I pen down my experience, I have greater sense of respect for these Indian teens leading their lives in
Monday, October 30, 2006

Yesterday we went to the Great Indian Octoberfest held at Palace grounds,Bangalore.You can't really call it a cheap imitation of the German beer festival by the same name(Octoberfest).The organizers did a pretty decent job.However what caught my the eye most was the changing social/cultural scene in the country.
Most of the crowd looked like hardly out of their teens.Now since beer was dearth cheap(120 bucks for 5 cans of Kingfisher!!) people were drinking like crazy.One guy who looked totally inebirated was causing total nuisance by passing cheap comments to anybody passing by(specially girls).Looked like a spoilt brat of a rich daddy.I was sure he would pick up a fight and so did he. Looked like he passed some comment to a girl accompanied by her boyfriend(thats my guess) and unlike most others who were ignoring his shit this guy reacted and a brawl followed.But like with everything,people(including me and my friends) were watching the fun from a distance.Everything is just so exciting and funny as long as it doesnt happen to us.And then we say the goverment is like this and that,people these days are self centered and more blas blas of the like.
On one of the tables I saw a bottoms up competition going on.There were as many gals as were guys taking part(No,I am not a sexist!).And to my surprise,one of the gals gave the guys a run for their money.She guzzled down 4 mugs of beer in less than 4 minutes I guess....not bad...not bad at all!!
Then there was the DJ rocking the DJ Dome(specially constructed for the night).Sadly we couldn't enter,it was couples only.Man I wished Reena was there!!But we stood outside the dance arena for around 15 minutes,just to see whats going on.And man!!was it amazing.Gals fully drunk(again,I am not a sexist...just that looks like its difficult for gals to hold on to their drink!!) gyrating to the music and people accompanying them having to control them from falling.Some guys were damn lucky,they had more than one gal dancing around them,not to their tunes but to the Djs. I saw one girl holding on to a stranger and asking him to kiss her...man had to see the look on his face...was he embarassed or what!
One of my friends had once said...if his parents see stuff like this they will say "Dharti par narak hai to yahi hai"(If there is hell on earth,this is it)!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Monday being a holiday(Gandhi Jayanti),ten of us decided to visit Mangalore.The thought of swimming in the virgin white sand beaches which this city boasts of was irresistable.After covering almost 375 kms and 12 hours on road we finally reached our destination.Without wasting a second we jumped into the water.The child in all of us took over and we started swimming,falling,jumping and in the process drank a lot of saline sea water too!!Everything was just so perfect.
After about a couple of hours 2 of our friends who didn't know swimming ventured into the danger zone.They didnt realize that suddenly the water was over their head and they were drowning.When realization struck it was too late.The thought of seeing my friends being drifted away by the mighty sea sent shivers down my spine.I tried holding them and pulling them back towards the shore.However both of them clung to me strongly and it was getting difficult for me to pull them both back to the shore.So,I just pushed one of them towards the shore and luckily he with the help of one of our friends managed to reach safe grounds.
While I was trying to push one of them to safety the other one had drifted farther as I had lost grip on him.For a second I felt helpless.On one hand my selfish self was telling me to go towards the shore and try and get some help as I myself had taken in a lot of water.Moreover I was also scared that in the process of saving him I too may get drowned. And on the other I knew that if I recede now he will be swept away to the point of no return.Knowing the fact that you alone are responsible for someones life or death and in the process your life too is at risk is a scary feeling.....very very dark.
In a matter of second so many thoughts flashed in front of my eyes.What will my loved ones go through if I perish???What will I tell my friends parents if something happens to him ???And what not..............Finally I gathered some courage,got hold of him and started pulling him towards the shore with whatever strength was left,at one point I felt that I could not carry on any longer.However at this very point I saw one of my friends who knew swimming coming towards us.The sight of him coming towards us and the fact that he knew how to swim pumped me up.He held to our friend tightly and I pulled both of them towards the shore,luckily for all of us he was wearing a vest which made my task of pulling simpler.By this time our friends had formed a human chain and we were very near to the shore as well and could be easily pulled out.
Finally after this 7-10 min ordeal we were all safe.However this will be one of those experiences which I am sure all of us will never forget.God has his own ways of reminding us that how precious life is.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Monday, January 09, 2006
After having finally settled down in Bangalore(I came here on the 26th of Dec),this weekend I was free for the first time.The cook in me was screaming on top of his voice and so I decided to try my hands at cooking.Carnivorous as I am,it was chicken I decided to cook.
It was 4 P.M and we had just finished or I should say half finished watching Bluffmaster(the 2nd CD was not working).Bhavanjay and I set out to Food World to buy all the stuff needed for yesterdays food extravaganza.
After having bought all the tel-masaala.Bhavanjay moved back to the flat for some onion and bhindi chopping.Yes,there was a slight change in Menu,I love bhindi and so decided to cook some bhindi bhujia also.In the meanwhile I rushed to the chicken shop and bought some freshly cut chicken.
KK and Vivek were also to join us for the gala event so I had to wind up before they were home.Bhavanjay was done with the chopping by the time I reached.So I took of my shirt(I like cooking in my ganjee) and started the chicken marination.Ginger garlic paste,chopped onions,namak,haldi,lal mirch,chicken masala and some sarso tel...all these were mixed with the chicken and left for half an hour.Then me chadhaing the pan on the stove and cooked the chicken till it was tender and all set to eat.The bhindi bhujia hardly took 10 minutes.
KK and Vivek had already got 6 plates of rice for 4 of us(we were very hungry!!).As soon as the bhindi was ready we all just gorged on the food..........god it was awesome........
Don't believe me?????Just send a mail to bhav,KK or Vivek..they will second me....
Thursday, January 05, 2006
I donno this happens only to me or with everyone???But neways I will go ahead.Either I doubt myself too much or I have not been stimulated enough.
I have never realised my capabilities.I have never known how much potential I have.Now this causes a lot of unrest in my mind.Can I do this??Will I be able to this??Am I as good as him/her??
Finally when the job is done..its like ,it was not that difficult after all.But then why on earth I wasted so much energy on bothering????
I strongly feel that its the atmosphere and people around you that stimulate you .You need to be challenged enough to get out the best in you.And you need to be strong and determined enough to look for those challenges.Most of the time we dont try hard enough to reach our potential.
Why don't we try hard???Well its pretty simple....fear..fear of failure.What will people say....does it matter???What the f***,I am just wasting the one life I had,wasting it without taking a shot at it.